Ultra Low Power MCU – How to measure energy consumption?

Starting with ULP MCUs like Ambiq Micros Apollo1 or Apollo2 available via shop.feeu.com is very easy, but designing ULP applications can be a nightmare without good tools measuring the power consumption. For Ambiq Micro Apollo Series MCUs Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH realized different possibilities to measure ultra low power consumption. On the one hand FEEU … [Read more…]

Homeautomation with ClickBeetle and Fujitsu F-Cue

I have made it: Getting FHEM and Homebridge running on Fujitsu F-Cue board. The board itself provides via WLAN and hostapd a mobile hotspot where a smart phone can connect to. On-board Bluetooth connects peripherals like FEEU ClickBeetle (www.feeu.com/clickbeetle). See some short demo video controlling some LEDs and a wireless connected ClickBeetle. All available via … [Read more…]

Siri Homeautomation with Raspberry Pi

Siri Homeautomation with Raspberry Pi (for advanced users) For Homeautomation with Siri / Apple HomeKit 2 components are required: FHEM Node.js Homekit FHEM (TM) is a GPL’d perl server for house automation. It is used to automate some common tasks in the household like switching lamps / shutters / heating / etc. and to log … [Read more…]

Control ClickBeetle “BlueBeetle” RBG LED via RaspberryPi Zero W

RaspberryPI Zero W contains WLAN and Bluetooth with LE capability. This makes it perfect controlling BLE peripherals via the BLE-stack Bluez like FEEUs ClickBeetle (www.feeu.com/clickbeelte) Bluez versions in the aptitude repository are pretty old. For this reason it is better to use Bluez from https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/bluetooth/ and compile it. First get sure bluez is uninstalled: sudo apt-get … [Read more…]

Fujitsu ClickBeetle Reference Platform

Fujitsu is launching a new reference platform for application near hardware development called ClickBeetle. Fujitsu ClickBeetle Website: The ClickBeetle concept offers a versatile modular approach for fast application and prototype development in an unprecedented small form factor. By combining boards from the ClickBeetle family your pre-prototype reference board is instantly ready. Additional customized extensions board … [Read more…]