Hardware generated pattern with Apollo3Blue

With Ambiq Micros Apollo3Blue MCU it is possible to use the timer peripheral as pattern generator to generate patterns up to 128-bit.

In summary the CTIMER peripheral has 16 timers which can be used in 16-bit mode or if two 16-bit timers are connected together 8 timers which can be used in 32-bit mode. For sure 16-bit and 32-bit timers can be mixed in various combinations.

For generating 64-bit patterns, one 16-bit timer can be used while 128-bit is requiring two 16-bit timers configured as one 32-bit timer.

The simplest mode is using the repeated pattern generation.

If using with the evaluation board AMA3BEVB, for CTIMER A0 pad 12 can be used as output:

The pinconfiguration for using the timer A0 output at pad 12 / CT0 is easy to do with auto-completion in Segger Embedded Studio :

GPIO->PADKEY = 0x00000073//unlock pin selection

//use pin 12 for timer output

//ouput is push-pull

//use CT0 as output (0 = enable for output, 1 = disable for output)
GPIO->PADKEY = 0//lock pin selection

The timers in Apollo3Blue having a complex matrix, so timers are able to use several configurations for input a clock, input a trigger, output clock/level/trigger. To configure CT0 the CFG0 field in OUTCFG0 has to set as A0OUT.


To prepare a pattern it makes sense to write a small routine for writing patterns into the timer peripheral. Following function can be a sample implementation for a very flexible use for pattern up to 64-bit:

** \brief Write pattern
** \param pu8Data data in bytes
** \param u32DataLen bit-length
void WritePattern(uint8_t* pu8Data, uint32_t u32DataLen)
    int i;
    CTIMER->CMPRA0 = 0;
    for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
        if (u32DataLen > (8*i))
            CTIMER->CMPRA0 |= (pu8Data[i] << (8*i));
    for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
        if (u32DataLen > (32 + 8*i))
            CTIMER->CMPRAUXA0 |= (pu8Data[i+4] << (8*i));

If the pattern is exact 64-bit and data is stored 32-bit alligned, the function can be much more simple and faster:

void WritePattern(uint32_t* pu32Data, uint32_t u32DataLen)
    //u32DataLen will be not needed, assuming all the time 64-bit
    CTIMER->CMPRA0 = *pu32Data++;
    CTIMER->CMPRAUXA0 = *pu32Data;


Now the timer has to be initialized for example repeated pattern use and HFRC (48MHz) / 256, which generates a 187.5KHz bitclock:

GPIO->CTENCFG_b.EN0 = 0;             //Timer disabled

CTIMER->CTRL0_b.TMRA0CLR = 1;         //clear timer


WritePattern((uint8_t*)au8Pattern,64);     //write 64-bit pattern
CTIMER->AUX0_b.TMRA0LMT = 63;              //set limit to 64

CTIMER->CTRL0_b.TMRA0CLR = 0;         //release clear timer

At last don’t forget to enable the timer!

CTIMER->CTRL0_b.TMRA0EN = 1;          //start timer

The logic analyzer is showing the result:

By downloading the MCU template at http://www.feeu.com/apollo3blue the code can be easily written in main.c, everything else is ready to use with IAR Workbench, ARM/Keil uVision, iSystem WinIDEA, GNU Makefile or Segger Embedded Studio.

The complete main.c:


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/** \file main.c
 ** A detailed description is available at
 ** @link mainGroup  description @endlink
 ** History:
 **   - 2019-08-01 Manuel Schreiner First Version

#define __MAIN_C__
/* Include files                                                             */
#include "mcu.h"
#include "base_types.h"

/* Local pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define')                            */

/* Global variable definitions (declared in header file with 'extern')       */

/* Local type definitions ('typedef')                                        */

/* Local variable definitions ('static')                                     */
static volatile uint32_t u32Counter;  //ms counter

/* Local function prototypes ('static')                                      */
//interrupt prototype SysTick_Handler defined in startup file
//prototype main defined in startup file
void delay(uint32_t delayMs);

/* Function implementation - global ('extern') and local ('static')          */

 **\brief Systick interrupt handler defined by CMSIS
void SysTick_Handler(void)

** \brief delay function used with SysTick IRQ
** \param [in] delayMs Delay in ms
** \details delay function used with SysTick IRQ
void delay(uint32_t delayMs)
    uint32_t u32End = u32Counter;
    u32End += delayMs;
    while(u32End != u32Counter) __NOP();

** \brief Write a pattern to the timer registers
** \param [in] delayMs Delay in ms
** \details delay function used with SysTick IRQ
void WritePattern(uint8_t* pu8Data, uint32_t u32DataLen)
    int i;
    CTIMER->CMPRA0 = 0;
    for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
        if (u32DataLen > (8*i))
            CTIMER->CMPRA0 |= (pu8Data[i] << (8*i));
    for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
        if (u32DataLen > (32 + 8*i))
            CTIMER->CMPRAUXA0 |= (pu8Data[i+4] << (8*i));

** \brief Main
int main(void)
    const uint8_t au8Pattern[8] = {0x01,0x03,0x07,0x0F,0x1F,0x3F,0x7F,0xFF};
    SystemCoreClockUpdate();                //update clock variable SystemCoreClock (defined by CMSIS)
    SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000); //setup 1ms SysTick (defined by CMSIS)

    GPIO->PADKEY = 0x00000073;  //unlock pin selection

    //use pin 12 for timer output

    //ouput is push-pull
    GPIO->PADKEY = 0;  //lock pin selection

    CTIMER->OUTCFG0_b.CFG0 = CTIMER_OUTCFG0_CFG0_A0OUT;          //Output configuration to ct11

    GPIO->CTENCFG_b.EN0 = 0;             //Timer disabled

    CTIMER->CTRL0_b.TMRA0CLR = 1;         //clear timer

    WritePattern((uint8_t*)au8Pattern,64);     //write 64-bit pattern
    CTIMER->AUX0_b.TMRA0LMT = 63;              //set limit to 64

    CTIMER->CTRL0_b.TMRA0CLR = 0;         //release clear timer
    CTIMER->CTRL0_b.TMRA0EN = 1;          //start timer

    //application initialization area
        //application code

/* EOF (not truncated)                                                        */

More information can be found here:

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